Friday, September 14, 2012

GSM Brief History

1982CEPT establishes a GSM group in order to develop the standards for a pan-European cellular mobile system.
1985A list of recommendations to be generated by the group is accepted.
1986Field tests are performed to test the different radio techniques proposed for the air interface.
1987Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) is chosen as the access method (with Frequency Division Multiple Access [FDMA]). The initial Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is signed by telecommunication operators representing 12 countries.
1988GSM system is validated.
1989The responsibility of the GSM specifications is passed to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
1990Phase 1 of the GSM specifications is delivered.
1991Commercial launch of the GSM service occurs. The DCS1800 specifications are finalized.
1992The addition of the countries that signed the GSM Memorandum of Understanding takes place. Coverage spreads to larger cities and airports.
1993Coverage of main roads' GSM services starts outside Europe.
1994Data transmission capabilities launched. The number of networks rises to 69 in 43 countries by the end of 1994.
1995Phase 2 of the GSM specifications occurs. Coverage is extended to rural areas.
1996June: 133 network in 81 countries operational.
1997July: 200 network in 109 countries operational, around 44 million subscribers worldwide.
1999Wireless Application Protocol came into existence and 130 countries operational with 260 million subscribers
2000General Packet Radio Service(GPRS) came into existence.
2001As of May 2001, over 550 million people were subscribers to mobile telecommunications

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